Mr. Ashfaq Chandio is a surgeon specializing in general surgery, employed by the NHS Trust, graduated from Chandka Medical College Larkana Pakistan. Obtained training in various specialities of general surgery (General Surgery, Urology, Emergency medicine, Vascular, Breast & Endocrine, and Colorectal) in Ireland and UK. Mr. Chandio obtained the degree of FRCSI from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland . He was awarded Diploma of Laparoscopy from France . He was awarded FEBS/General Surgery by European Surgical Board. He was awarded FEBS/Coloproctology by European Surgical (Coloproctology) Board. Mr. Chandio obtained comprehensive training in general surgery. He has extensive experience in various surgical specialities as a surgeon. He also actively participate teaching of medical students and juniors doctors. He is Faculty member of Royal College of Surgeons England, for teaching Basic surgical skills ,START and CCrISP course. Mr. Chandio have peer – reviewed publications and national and international presentations, mentor International conference on Gastroenterology. Mr. Chandio is awarded with Star Champion Award Bedfordshire NHS Foundation Trust, Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of excellence service, dedication and commitment to the Western Health Board, Certificate of honour by Overseas Medics of Ireland and Shield of pride 40th Alumni Chandka Medical College & Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Medical University, Larkana Sindh, Pakistan
Title : Does gender matter in colorectal cancer?