Rodrigo Cristofoletti, Ph.D., joined the University of Florida in 2020 as assistant professor in the Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology (Orlando) in the Department of Pharmaceutics. He received his B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2004. Dr. Cristofoletti received his Ph.D. summa cum laude from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main, Germany). The Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics Office of the Brazilian Drug Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) has been Dr. Cristofoletti’s place of employment for the last 15 years. Currently, Dr. Cristofoletti’s lab focus on translational DMPK research and disease modeling.
Title : Human enteroids/colonoids and intestinal organoids functionally recapitulate normal intestinal physiology and pathophysiology